Insulation Comparison
IN THE BEGINNING, man sought out shelter away from the wind and elements. They soon realized that air sealing would keep them warmer or cooler, depending on the season, and sealed against air infiltration using any solid material available. From piling rocks in front of the cave and sealing it with mud to solid slabs of rock or wood slid into place and sealed with mud and animal hides. They were happy and comfortable as they could be.
Then, 50,000 years later, man forgot about the importance air sealing with solids and invented a new type of spun glass insulation called fiberglass. When they made a test that didn't take into account air infiltration, they saw that it was good.
It worked really well, was inexpensive, and easy to apply. What it lacked in ability to stop air infiltration, they just offset by using bigger furnaces and air conditioners to take up the slack.
Energy was cheap and plentiful.
Those days are gone. Now, we are finally getting back to thinking like our ancestors and we realize an insulation that is not solid may not be the best insulation to create an air seal around your home. What we now call the "Thermal Envelope".
Insulation Comparison is a very Important subject that can be subjective. We will try to be as objective as possible and offer you the facts and the basics and let your own intelligence and common sense guide you. We just want to let you know that there are alternatives and technologies available that can significantly reduce your energy use, energy bills and help you have a happy, healthy home. Better Insulations practically eliminates the mold issue. No ice dams. A smaller AC unit does the same job. Better soundproofing. The list of benefits is very long... and we need to start by giving you the basic overview of the 3 types of insulation available.
Note that Radiant Barriers and Insulating Coatings are also options, but for this page we will stick to the cavity fillers as they have the most widespread applications. The RB and ICs have their places, but not as a total replacement for one form or the other of these 3 types, in our opinion. This comparison is also limitied to insulating WALL CAVITIES. For information on ATTIC INSULATION COMPARISONS - Click Here
For Wall Cavity Filling there are:
- Solid fill insulations BEST:
These Include Spray On Insulations of all types, Polyurethane Foam, Soy Based Foam, Wall Spray Cellulose and arguably includes SIPS or EIF pre-insulated panels. - Blown in insulations BETTER:
These Include Blown In Dry Insulations, including Loose Fill Fiberglass, Rock Wool, and some Cellulose Insulation Applications. - Batt Type Pieced-in Insulations GOOD:
These include Fiberglass Batts, Cotton Batts, and Rigid Foam Panels or Foam Boards A wall insulated with Cellulose Insulation is a marvel to see... when you see a wall thermolitically sealed with Cellulose Insulation, it's so obvious that it is better insulation, that your decision becomes easy and made with confidence. Cellulose is manufactured using recycled newsprint. It is the premium insulation with the highest recycled content and lowest embodied energy.
The Result is solid savings!
This just won't do it:
There's just no comparison. Better Insulation seals and insulates by creating a barrier against air infiltration. Pieced in insulation simply cannot acheive a thermolitic seal. Simple physics.
Foam is the cat's meow of high performance insulations! Available in Petroleum based oil Polyurethane foam or Soy Bean Oil based Polyurethane Foam Insulation. The more sustainable product is the Soy Foam.
and now you can even have foam insulation injected in your walls if you already have tired old fiberglass batts or settled fiber insulation in the walls. This is the latest technology in insulation retrofit.
Get the R-Value you need. Building new, or in your existing home. Contact your local Better Insulation contractor today. There is no time like the present to start saving money and energy.
Does it make sense to use Foam or Cellulose or some form of Better Insulation when you are building a new home or building?
Let's say you are building a new home. You discover this information and decide to use Better Insulation, but think: "Well, surely it costs more."
Well, we beg to differ. We think you can MAKE money using Better Insulation.
Sure, even if it was twice the price of fiberglass batts, it will conservatively reduce your heating and cooling bills by at least 35% over pieced in batts.
So, you add the cost to your construction loan. It adds $6 a month to your mortgage payment. And lets say your new home with batts would cost $300 per month to heat or cool. Using Better Insulation, you would reduce that monthly expense by $105 dollars.
What just happened? Once you move into your new home, the first of every month 2 bills are going to come in the mail. Your Utility Bill and Your Mortgage Payment.
Because you used Better Insulation, your Mortgage Payment is $6 per month higher! BUT - Your Utility Bill is $105 dollars less!
So, you effectively and REALLY kept $99 in your pocket that month that you didn't have to pay to the utility company or the bank!
From the first month, Better Insulation puts money in your pocket, you have a more comfortable and soundproof home with better IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) to live in AND you get bragging rights to the neighbors if you compare utility bills!
Contact a Better Insulation Contractor or Better Green Builder Today for more information!