NYT > Energy Efficiency
- New Products Sell Energy Efficiency by Stressing Engineering
Energy Forward, a label for appliances that meet Energy Star’s top standards, seeks to appeal to consumers’ inner tech fan. - Home Energy Monitors Keep Track of Energy Use
Retailers and the companies that make home energy monitors, which provide readings of home electricity use, are pushing to bring the devices into the mainstream.
- Retailers Seek to Conserve Energy to Cut Costs
Retailers use about 20 percent of the energy consumed by all commercial businesses, and they are the fastest-growing commercial category of energy users, according to the Department of Energy.
- A Satellite System That Could End Circling Above the Airport
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/04/business/a-satellite-system-that-could-end-circling-above-the-airport.html?partner=rssnyt&emc=rssAirlines and airports are testing a guidance system that could reduce congestion and fuel consumption by allowing planes to take a more direct route to the runway.
- Inching Toward Energy Independence in America
Declining oil consumption and new energy production have brought the United States closer to a goal that has tantalized presidents since Richard Nixon.
- THE ENERGY RUSH; U.S. Inches Toward Goal Of Energy Independence
American oil and gas industry is vastly increasing production, reversing two decades of decline; using new technology and spurred by rising oil prices since the mid-2000s, industry is extracting millions of barrels more a week; at same time, Americans are pumping significantly less gasoline; taken together, the increasing production and declining consumption have unexpectedly brought the United States markedly closer to independence from foreign energy sources. Graphs, Photos - Russia Struggles to Curb Energy Waste
Economics, not environmental qualms, have won backing for an energy efficiency drive, but progress grinds against grass-roots skepticism and entrenched attitudes. - International Interest Grows in Green-Building Certification
As companies and governments look to burnish their environmental credentials, many are devoting extra time and money to certifying their buildings as green, which they see as a badge of quality. - Take the Subway
How can we keep growing without consuming more resources?
- Left and Right Both Upset by Transportation Bill
In Congress, a variety of concerns are being raised on oil drilling, safety and the role of the federal government.
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